Tuesday 28 March 2023

What are the online business that a pharmacist can do?

There are some ideas for online businesses that a pharmacist can do:

1. Online Pharmacy: A pharmacist can start an online pharmacy where customers can order prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications online. The pharmacist can partner with a licensed pharmacy to dispense the medications and handle the shipping.

2. Health and Wellness Blog: A pharmacist can start a health and wellness blog where they can share their knowledge and expertise on various health topics. They can monetize the blog through advertising, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.

3. Online Consultation: A pharmacist can offer online consultation services to patients who need advice on their medications or health conditions. They can use video conferencing or chat platforms to communicate with their clients.

4. Nutritional Supplements: A pharmacist can start an online store selling nutritional supplements and vitamins. They can source high-quality products from reputable manufacturers and offer personalized recommendations to their customers.

To start an online business as a pharmacist, you will need to:

1. Research the market and identify a niche that you can serve.

2. Develop a business plan that outlines your goals, target audience, marketing strategy, and financial projections.

3. Register your business and obtain any necessary licenses and permits.

4. Build a website or online store where customers can find your products or services.

5. Market your business through social media, email marketing, and other online channels.

6. Provide excellent customer service and build a loyal customer base.

There are several platforms that you can use to collaborate with other businesses or professionals in your industry. Some popular options include LinkedIn, Facebook Groups, and Slack communities. You can also attend industry conferences and events to network with other pharmacists and healthcare professionals.

Monday 27 March 2023

General tips on how to join industry-based communities and attend networking events.

1. Research and identify relevant industry-based groups and communities: Start by researching and identifying groups that are relevant to your industry. You can use online resources such as social media, LinkedIn, and other professional networking sites to search for relevant groups.

2. Join online groups or communities: Once you have identified relevant groups or communities, join them online. Most online communities or groups have clear instructions on how to join, so follow the instructions and become an active member of the group.

3. Attend networking events: Check upcoming events and participate in local or national events. You can also use online platforms to search for events or meetups related to your industry.

4. Build relationships with other members: Build relationships with other members of the group. You can start by connecting with other members, asking questions, and sharing your experiences. This can help you build a network of trusted colleagues and mentors.

5. Stay active and engaged: Stay active and engaged in the community by sharing your knowledge, asking questions, and participating in discussions. Attend events regularly, and take advantage of all opportunities to network and learn.

6. Be respectful and professional: Always present yourself in a professional way and respect other members of the community. Building a strong reputation in the industry and among your peers is essential to success.

Overall, joining industry-based communities and attending networking events can help you build valuable relationships, expand your knowledge, and open doors to new opportunities. Take advantage of all opportunities to network and grow your career.

What are the job opportunities available as a registered pharmacist in Malaysia?

Traditionally, a typical registered pharmacist can work in the following industry:
1. Community pharmacist
2. Hospital pharmacist
3. Clinical pharmacist
4. Pharmaceutical sales representative
5. Research and development pharmacist

Since the onset of COVID-19, it has become apparent that there are many work-from-home (WFH) opportunities available for pharmacists in Malaysia, some of the options include:
1. Medical writing
2. Tele-pharmacy services
3. Pharmacy benefit management (PBM)
4. Drug safety and pharmacovigilance
5. Virtual clinical trials

In addition to working for established companies in the private sector, government-linked companies, or multinational corporations, pharmacists can also collaborate with stakeholders in the pharmaceutical industry. Regarding collaboration partners, you can explore opportunities with individuals or organizations related to the pharmaceutical industry, such as:
1. Healthcare technology startups
2. Pharmaceutical companies
3. Biomedical research institutions
4. Health policy advocacy groups
5. Healthcare consulting firms

To find potential collaborators, pharmacists can use various online platforms such as:
  1. LinkedIn, you can use the search function to find people or organizations related to the pharmaceutical industry in Malaysia. You can also join groups related to healthcare or pharmacy to expand your network and seek out collaboration opportunities.
  2. Twitter: Use hashtags and search for industry-specific conversations and connect with influential people in your industry.
  3. Facebook Groups: There are several groups specific to industries and professions.
  4. Instagram: Follow industry leaders and engage with their content.
  5. Reddit: Find subreddits relevant to your industry and participate in discussions.
  6. Meetup: Join industry-specific meetup groups and attend events.
  7. Slack: Join industry-specific slack groups and network with other professionals.
  8. Quora: Participate in industry-specific conversations and connect with experts in your field.
Click here for more details on general tips on how to join industry-based communities and attend networking events.

Overall, pharmacists have a range of job opportunities available to them, both traditional and WFH, and can also build their own businesses through collaborations with stakeholders in the pharmaceutical industry. By joining industry-based communities and attending networking events, pharmacists can expand their network and knowledge, and increase their chances of success in their careers.