Monday 11 January 2016

What is Baby Hernia?

What is Baby Hernia?

Baby hernias are actually quite common in kids. Babies can be born with hernia especially premature babies. The good news is that hernias can be treated easily, as long as they are detected earlier and the babies get the proper medical care as soon as possible.

What Should We Know About Baby Hernia?
Baby Hernia is common in babies.
In order to detect a baby hernia quickly, parents should know exactly what it is? What is the symptoms? And what causes it?  Here’s what you need to know:

1. What Is a Hernia?
A hernia is a lump under the skin. It might vary in size, and usually happens in the groin or belly areas. In most cases, the muscles across the belly and pelvis form a barrier that keeps all internal organs in place. However, when a gap occurs in that wall, a hernia can develop. A hernia is created by part of the baby’s abdomen or intestines pushing through that gap. That’s what creates the lump.
There are two types of hernias: umbilical and inguinal.
The umbilical hernia happens around the belly button, while the inguinal hernia appears in the groin area.

2. What Are the Symptoms?
Sometimes a hernia is easy to spot, but in other cases, the hernia might not be seen until the baby cries, coughs or defecating. Then the pressure on the abdomen makes the hernia being pushed out against the skin, forming the lump.
In most cases, the hernia goes away when the abdominal pressure is gone. But other times, the tissue can be stuck in the hole, and it can bulge out all the time. This kind of hernia does not go away when your baby stop crying, and it becomes very hard and painful to the touch. Your baby might also start vomiting and fell uncomfortable. This is a sign of a strangulated hernia, which means part of the bowel has been trapped and has been squeezed. This is an emergency; you must get to the doctor immediately!

3. What Causes a Baby Hernia?
When a baby is born, there is a ring of muscle and tissue around the umbilical cord. This ring usually closes before birth, but sometimes it doesn’t. That opening becomes a hernia. Sometimes the opening in the groin happen simply because the baby’s muscles have not matured enough to hold in the pressure of the abdomen. However, experts sometimes cannot explain why this thing happens.

4. Are There Any Complications?
Good news is that most umbilical hernias disappeared without treatment when the baby’s muscles become stronger. But an inguinal hernia is different story, as the bowel can easily become trapped before the hernia can close. Since this problem is common, many doctors will recommend surgery to repair the hernia before complications begin. Other reasons for surgery are if the hernia persists for a long time or it is very large.

How Is a Baby Hernia Treated?
Hernia surgery is a simple procedure.
Treatment for a baby hernia depends on where it is and how serious it is. In some cases, your doctor might be able to gently push the hernia back in, but never try this yourself as you may injure your baby. In some cases simply pushing the hernia back in treats the disease, but in other cases, surgery is required.

Surgery is a relatively simple procedure in which the hernia is pushed back into place, and then the muscles are stitched. In many cases, the child can go back home on the same day the surgery is performed. Very young babies or those with other medical problems might be kept overnight for observation after the surgery.

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